The Okpe Union will on Saturday, May 18, 2024, bring together around 1000 notable leaders and intelligentsia from across the world.


‘’We are very excited because 94 years is a long time for an organization to remain relevant and we are very glad that our branches and affiliates continue to respond with stronger cohesion and a renewed determination’’ a statement by the Secretary General of the Okpe Union, Barrister Kingsley Akpederin and the 94th Anniversary Planning Committee Chairman, Patrick Akpotor said.


The meeting of Okpe leaders from different parts of the world will be held at the birthplace and headquarters of Okpe Union, 65 Moshalashi Street, Obalende.


The 94th anniversary, with the theme ‘Okpe Socio-Economic Development: The Time is now’, is designed to x-ray the role of the political leaders in the development of Okpe kingdom.


‘’The Okpe Union 94th anniversary comes at a critical time for Okpe leaders throughout the world. We must rub minds and devise pro-active and creative ways to promote lasting   development and ensure better quality of life for our people’’.


The statement from Okpe Union headquarters stated that the delegates would examine the condition of the Okpe Union, discuss political, social and cultural problems and recommend practical steps for implementing development strategies in Delta State.


‘’This is a time for stock-taking and a gathering of those who sincerely love the Okpe Nation and wish to serve it loyally. The leaders are expected to share happiness, create more connection with traditional and political leaders of other ethnic groups as well as place in the forefront the problems of the Okpe nation’’.


A high quality Nigerian political scientist, Professor Igho Natufe, will speak on infrastructure, governance, corruption and security in Nigeria.


The Nigerian-born Sovietologist and a specialist in International Relations and Soviet/ Russian Foreign Policy is due to speak at about 3; 00pm.


Prof Igho Natufe, who is the current President General of the Okpe Union, is expected to deliver State of the Union address and the State of the Nigerian Nation and Delta State to members of the Okpe Union in different countries and hundreds of distinguished guests.


An alumnus of the People’s Friendship University, a former university professor of Political Science (University of Ghana,  and the University of Benin) and senior advisor to the Government of Canada, Natufe will discuss a variety of topics such as Okpe Union as the catalyst for positive change in Okpe Nation, Okpe and the future of Nigeria, the challenges of attracting and retaining investors to Okpe Nation and restoration of Okpe independence and its role in the comity of ethnic nationalities.


The author of several of scientific research, including “Soviet policy in Africa: from Lenin to Brezhnev will talk about the role of politicians in the nation’s development and the work ahead to make life better for the people.


‘’Prof Igho Natufe will also speak with great feeling about the teaching of Okpe Language and History in educational institutions in Okpe Nation. He is expected to sensitize Okpe Nationals on the values of Okpe ethnicity,  set out the argument for Delta unity and explain how this unity would enhance the development of the oil rich state’’.


Tagged ‘’ Pathway to redemption in Okpe Nation, the thrust of the address is the emancipation of Okpe Nation from mental slavery’’.


‘’His speech at Okpe Union House will highlight the persistent determination of the people to rise above the diminished lives thrust upon them by leaders with warped vision, give local and foreign journalists, students and key leaders in the country the chance to understand the challenges facing the Okpe Nation’’ the statement said.


The statement announced a triumphal welcome for the Ayangburen of Ikorodu, Oba Kabiru Adewale Shotobi.


‘’There are reasons to celebrate. The 94th anniversary of Okpe Union will be marked with fanfare.  The Royal Father of the day, Ayangburen of Ikorodu and other prominent Nigerians will be treated to some of the finest Okpe dance steps and delicious meals. Top lawyer, philanthropist and a past president of the University of Benin Alumni Association, Chief Richard Oma Ahonaruogho is the chairman of the event’’.


Internationally noted Economist, Samuel Enajite Enajero, who wrote the book ‘’Collective Institutions in Industrialized Nations: Economic Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa”, a book that compares the economics of sub-Saharan Africa with other countries, particularly in Europe and Asia, where collective institutions exist to usher in economic development and social prosperity will be the guest speaker at Okpe Union’s 94th anniversary.


The anniversary lecture will get under way at 2:00 p.m. with Enajero discussing Socio–Economic Development in Nigeria, particularly Okpe Kingdom.


“We are fortunate to have a renowned academic, essayist and social crusader speak at Okpe Union 94th Anniversary and hope top government functionaries in Nigeria, technocrats and members of the business community will take advantage of this opportunity to hear a world-renowned speaker, writer, educator, and original thinker,” the statement said.


Enajero obtained his Ph.D. in Economics in the areas of Public Choice/Public Finance and taught in several universities.


The renowned economist, writer, academic and strong advocate of Okpe identity as a distinct ethnic nationality had firsthand knowledge on how the federal and local governments’ partnership spur development at the grassroots by working in the department of Planning and Development, in a city government. There, he complemented his academic background in public choice/public finance with practical real-world experience.


The range, quantity and quality of Enajero’s academic works are indeed prodigious. His publications are master pieces that have remained ever green and true today both to the African situation and the entire emerging global order.


His book, collective Institutions in Industrialized Nations: Economic Lessons for Africa illustrates how historical and modern public choice (political economy), is imperative element for socio-economic development. Collectivism, however, is missing in the historical and modern African societies.


Collectivism, according to the highly cerebral academic and international intellectual, recognizes human interdependence, all-inclusive and altruistic society. It produces and enables men and women to create economic opportunities rather than wait for opportunities, thus creating the economic man and molding a nation to be an organic whole.


The outstanding scholar discusses the absence of collectivism in sub-Saharan Africa at length.


Meanwhile, projections made by some notable chiefs and political leaders in Delta State suffered a breach on Tuesday.


In quick succession, the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja vacated its earlier order granted to the illegal faction of the Okpe Union formerly led by Professor of Music, Emurobome Idolor and now led by Chief Joseph Aboze.


The court reversed the earlier order directing the illegal faction to appoint a Board of Trustees for the Okpe Union.


Similarly, the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos last year aborted the dream of the illegal faction. The court declared the Okpe Union leadership appointed by His Royal Majesty, Orhue I, Orodje of Okpe as illegal.


The Okpe Union in a statement Tuesday evening in Lagos urged all Okpe nationals to abide by the judgements and rulings of the courts.


‘’This is the time to uphold the Rule of Law in the Okpe Nation and Kingdom as we call for the unity of our people for the development of our land’’.


The statement said the Federal High Court dashed the hope of the illegal faction.


‘’The judgement of the Federal High Court, Lagos had already nullified the illegal faction’s Board of Trustees led by Chief Dick Gberevbie with Secretary as Mr. Austin Ayemidejor. Today’s ruling was pointedly to pave the way for the legally recognized leadership of the Okpe Union to appoint the trustees for the ninety four years old Okpe Union. The courts only recognize the National Executive Council of the Okpe Union led by Prof Igho Natufe  to appoint trustees for and administer the Okpe Union in compliance with the provisions of the Okpe Union Constitution’’ the statement said.


‘’The Okpe Union, a socio-cultural group, is the mouthpiece of all the people of the Okpe nation and the oldest registered ethnic union in Nigeria’’ the statement added.

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